As a Fertility Awareness Educator, there's going to be some things that get me pretty excited that the average person may not totally understand.
Let me start at the very beginning...
Remember at the end of February 2014 when I was interviewed for the documentary Miscontraceptions by Cassie Wilson? (...which is now Cassie Moriarty... congrats Cassie!!!) Well, she's taking the short film around to festivals and I got to see it... she and her crew did an AMAZING job!!! (Think I'm exaggerating? It won the Tracy Awards for Best Writing, Best Director, AND Best Picture at Montana State University.) Not only did I love it, but younger women and older women and dudes liked it and laughed and thought it was really well done (and they're only in college... watch out world!)
When I watched the film, I was enthralled with the Sex Health Educator located in Bozeman, Montana that they also interviewed... Laura Mentch. I stalked ...I mean... I found her information on the internet and sent her an email saying I thought she did a great job and would love to meet her... she emailed back (yippee!) and said she was swinging through Denver in a few weeks. So we made plans and met for tea.
Laura is smart, passionate, and kind... I loved spending time with her and look forward to seeing her again soon. Because she's phasing out of teaching Fertility Awareness and doing more work around Cystic Fibrosis education, she asked if I would like the FA resources she's collected over the years. Would I like them? I would LOVE them!!!
That's when a lovely package arrived in the mail...