It’s up! The Natural Birth Control using the Fertility Awareness Method online class video is up!
I’m very, very excited about this because now women and couples can access this class anytime, anywhere! No need to track me down in Denver, Colorado to find out when and where I’m teaching. Once you watch the video, then we can meet in-person or virtually to review your fertility charts to avoid pregnancy naturally.
I hope it’s a great resource for those wanting to confidently and accurately avoid pregnancy naturally:
Q: Colleen, I've read books and charted for awhile to avoid pregnancy and just have a quick question about my chart or cycle. Why do I have to attend your 2.5 hour Natural Birth Control class in person or watch the video online before you can answer my question?
A: This is a very common and logical question to ask! I've found that if I meet with someone to review her charts for avoiding pregnancy and she hasn't attended my class in person or online, we don't have a basic foundation or common language with which to communicate. As a teacher of the Sympto-Thermal Method of Fertility Awareness, I take this responsibility very seriously. If we only chat for 10 or 20 minutes about your chart, I assume you know certain things that I go over in my class... maybe you do... but maybe you don't and that leads to an unplanned pregnancy... exactly what we're trying to avoid with proper and accurate education and chart interpretation. PS - The class is AWESOME and very entertaining... I promise it won't be a waste of your time :)
Here's a 4-minute preview: