"What's the 'Greenest' Birth Control?"
It’s Earth Day 2013! And “What’s the ‘greenest’ birth control" you ask? Abstinence! (Okay, well… aside from abstinence?) The Fertility Awareness Method!
Charting your cycles is eco-friendly because:
There’s no packaging! (aside from your thermometer and paper charts if you use them)
It’s hormone-free… the same way we like our dairy and meat to be hormone-free! (And fish and reptiles appreciate less Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the water too.)
It’s highly-effective! The perfect-use effectiveness is 99.6% and typical-use effectiveness is 98.2%. (http://tiny.cc/opsk6)
While it doesn’t offer any protection against STIs like condoms can, I believe the Fertility Awareness Method to be a ‘greener’ choice than all the other choices out there.
Learn how to “green your birth control" at the Natural Birth Control class I’m teaching next Tuesday, April 30 at 6pm (www.BlossomWellnessCenter.com).
Photo from http://allinadayswork.wikispaces.com/file/view/world_in_hand.jpg/295033766/337x287/world_in_hand.jpg