Acronyms… love them or hate them… they’re EVERYWHERE! When clients email me questions about their cycles and Fertility Awareness Method charts, I’ve seen much of the lingo below. (And I totally confess that sometimes I’ve had to Google the acronym to find out what it means before I email them back!)
Fertility Awareness Method Charting Specifics:
- CY = cycle
- CD = cycle day
- CF or CM = cervical fluid or cervical mucus
- EW or EWCF = egg-white cervical fluid
- CP or Cx = cervical position or cervix
- BBT = basal body temperature
- PK = peak day (last day of clear, stretchy, or lubricative CF)
- O or OV = ovulation
- AO or NO = anovulatory or no ovulation
- DPP or DPO = days past peak day or days past ovulation
- FP = follicular phase (preovulatory)
- FSH = follicle stimulating hormone
- LP = luteal phase (postovulatory)
- LPD = luteal phase defect
- CL = corpus luteum
- LH = luteinizing hormone
- TTA = trying to avoid (pregnancy)
- TTC = trying to conceive
GYN (gynecological) Specifics:
- LMP = first day of last menstrual period
- PMS = premenstrual syndrome
- YI = yeast infection
- BV = bacterial vaginosis
- UTI = urinary tract infection
- STI = sexually transmitted infection
- BC or BCP = birth control or birth control pills
- OC or OCP = oral contraceptives or oral contraceptive pills
- AF = aunt flo (your period)
- PPAF = postpartum aunt flo (your period)
- PP = postpartum
- BF or EBF = breastfeeding or exclusively breastfeeding
- Bx = biopsy
- Dx = diagnosis
- Hx = history
- Rx = prescription
- Tx = treatment
- US = ultrasound
- Colpo = colposcopy
- LEEP = loop electrocautery excision procedure
- OTC = over the counter
Getting Pregnant Specifics:
- BD = baby dance (have sex)
- PG = pregnant
- PNV = prenatal vitamin
- OPK = ovulation predictor kit
- EPT = early pregnancy test
- HPT = home pregnancy test
- hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone that pregnancy tests look for)
- POAS = pee on a stick
- FMU = first morning urine
- BFP = big fat positive
- BFN = big fat negative
- EDD = estimated due date
- FHT = fetal heart tones
- MS = morning sickness
- MC or SAB = miscarriage or spontaneous abortion
- EP = ectopic pregnancy
- IF or INF = infertility
- SA = semen analysis
- AI = alternative insemination
- ART = assisted reproductive technology
- IVI = intravaginal insemination (often done at-home)
- ICI = intracervical insemination (usually done at office)
- IUI = intrauterine insemination (usually done at office)
- ITI = intratubal insemination (done at office)
- IVF = invitro fertilization (done at office)
- DE = donor eggs
- DI = donor insemination
- PCOS = polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Endo = endometriosis
- DH = dear/darling/darn husband
- SO = significant other
- LO = loved one
- DD = dear/darling daughter
- DS = dear/darling son
Did I miss any??? Comment below with ones you’ve found that aren’t on this list!